Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fur-Free forever

P l e d g e   t o   B e   F u r - F r e e

Finally a reason to spam my views on this world . . .
I am a vegetarian, and have been for 8 years now.
I live in a house with a vegan and another vegetarian.
I do not wear or use fur, wear or use leather or use animal tested products.

I like my animals alive and bouncing, jumping and being generally fluffy.

Full Petition Text:

I, Jenna Maree-Kipling, the undersigned, hereby pledge to go fur-free. I say ''No!'' to the cruel and barbaric slaughter of millions of animals around the world for their skin. I say ''No!'' to fur coats, fur collars, fur trim, fur trinkets, fur cat toys, and other products made from the fur of animals as well as to any attempt to sneak fur into everyday items. I pledge to expose the truth about fur and spread the word until we close down the international fur trade forever.


Jenna Maree-Kipling
By signing up HERE and giving us your details, you're acknowledging that you've read and agreed to our privacy policy. We need your help RIGHT NOW to stop the carnage taking place on fur farms around the world--including the slaughter of nearly 2 million cats and hundreds of thousands of dogs in China. Please take a moment to sign our important pledge, which is linked below. Thank you.

you too can be a part of this cause. Speak for those who can't speak for themselves.

{ peace and love }

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